Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Active to Passive and Passive to Active

Use of "Be" forms in Passive voice

"Be" forms:- am, is, was, were, be, being, been.
Simple, is, are
Simple past..........................................was, were
Present continuous...............................being
Past continuous......................................being
Present perfect.......................................been
Past perfect..............................................been
Future perfect..........................................been

Monday, November 12, 2007


1) Who served as scientific advisor as given in “A New Job and a Wedding”, from Wings

Of Fire?

A) Prof.Raja Ramanna.

2) How much money did Joe spread on the table in the story, “A Service of Love”?

A) Eighteen dollars

3) Gen Pinkey is a widower in the story “A Service of Love”.

4) How many candidates were selected in NASA?

A) 19

5) Who celebrated the awards for the missile programme with the maiden flight of Nag missile?

A) N.R. Iyer

6) After completing her master programme Kalpana Chawla moved to Colorodo.

7) Name of the defense minister who had come to ITR to witness.

A) K.C.Pant

8) What is the philosophy behind IGMDP?

A) Began in design and ended in development.

9) Honorary degree of doctorate on Dr.Kalam.

A) University of Chicago

10) Dr.Kalam entrusted work at DRDL Ans: performance evaluation

11) Group of activity

A) Technology

12) Dance that Kalpana Chawla learnt at San Hose.

A) Bharatnatyam

13) How many candidates were selected in NASA?

A) 19

14) Kalpana Chawla was given Vice Principal and Research Scientist with Silicon Valley in the year 1993.

15) What was Delia expected to master?

A) Piano

16) Mention the important managerial tactic in the programme, from the lesson “Making our own Missiles”.

A) Rapid and Pro-active follow up

17) Abbreviation for MES – Military Engineering Services

18) Name the cartoonist who portrayed a shopkeeper as returning a product to a salesman saying that like Agni, it would not take off.

A) Sudhir Dar

19) Who was the director of SHAR in the chapter “Earth to fire, Prithvi to Agni” in Wings of Fire?

A) Mr. M R Kurup

20) How many scientists at DRDL and RCI gathered to discuss the issue of allied forces? A) 500

21) How many saplings were needed to be planted at RCI according to Abdul Kalam?

A) 1, 00,000

22) How did people view the job of report writing in the chapter “About Motivation and Working Well”.

A) Uncharitable

23) What was Delia Carather’s profession?

A) Singer

24) How did Dr Kalam feel when he saw T.N.Seshan on the review board?

A) Pleasant

25) By what name was Kalpana Chawala fondly called at home?

A) Montu

26) Kalpana Chawla completed her pre-degree in the college

A) Dayal Singh College

27) When was Dr Kalam sworn in as the president of India?

A) 25th July 2002

28) Which project leader belongs to the EME crops of the Indian Army?

A) Col. V.J.Sundaram.

29) In which year did India not have adequate technology?

A) 1983

30) What topics did people discuss in coffee houses and tea shops in the chapter “Fire of Success”?

A) Scuds and Patriots

31) How many kilograms of warhead can the Prithvi missile carry?

A) 1000 Kg

32) Who served as the scientific advisor to the defence minister and as head of the Defence Research Organisation?

A) Dr. Abdul Kalam

33) Of which programme did Dr Arunachalam conduct a comprehensive status review? A) IGMDP

34) Which University conferred an honorary degree of doctorate on Dr Kalam?

A) Anna University

35) Rossenstock’s profession in the story “Service of Love” is

A) Musician.

36) Who was the leader that emphasized on grass roots technology and put the customer at the centre of the entire business activity in the chapter “Looked Ahead” in Wings of Fire?

A) Mahatma Gandhi

37) What was the vision that Dr Kalam formulated as the chairman of TIFAC?

Vision 2020

38) Abbrevation of LAC

A) Light Combat Aircraft

39) Which area is not based on individual intelligence, but on the interacting intelligence of many?

A) Technology

40) What was Joe Larrabee’s age when he drew a picture of lawn pump?

A) 6 years

41) Name the News paper to which Kalpana Chawla spoke before the launch of the Columbia in the year 2003.

A) India Today

42) What was the ranking position of India in the world when SLV-3 was launched?

A) 5th

43) Name the person who was conferred the Padma Vibhushan along with Dr.Abdul Kalam in the chapter “The Fire of Success.

A) Dr.Arunachlam

44) Which project did Dr.Kalam often deal with nervously because with it progress was not immediately visible?

A) SLV-3

45) Who was India’s first woman astronaut to go into space?

A) Kalpana Chawla

46) Abbreviation of TIFAG – Technology Information Forecasting & Assesment Game

47) Name the person on the review board who was an old acquaintance of Dr.Kalam in “Making our own Missiles”.

A) T N Seshan

48) Identify the number of aspiring astronauts chosen from a total of 2962 applicants.

A) 122

49) When was Kalpana Chawla given the chance to pursue her dream?

A) Nov 1997

50) Which country tested its nuclear devises in retaliation to the Indian tests?

A) Pakistan

51) What time did Joe leave every morning?

A) 7.00 am

52) In which university did Dr.Kalam take over as Professor of technology and societal transformation after retirement?

A) Anna University at Chennai

53) In which area were the four bright young scientists working at HSC in the chapter “An Infusion of Young Blood”?

A) Fluid dynamics

54) Which was concluded with the victory of the technologically superior allied forces?

A) Gulf War

55) What did Joe do in the story?

A) Working the engine in laundary

56) What did Delia do?

A) Ironing Shirts

57)Where is the Punjab Engineering College located?

A) Chandigarh

58) In collaboration with which department were the Pokran-II nuclear tests conducted?

A) Atomic Energy

59) Name the Chinese War Philosopher who said over 2000 years ago ,

A) Suntzu

60) From how many academic institutions & laboratories were partners taken for IGMDP?

A) 12 institutions & 30 laboratories

61) What did Clementina eat after her lesson ?

A) A welsh rabbit

62) What did Mrs. Gandhi give to scientific research ?

A) Impetus

63) The person who spent many hours with Kalam

A) Prof.Satish Dhavan

64) When was the missile Agni launched?

A) 20 April 1989

65) The place of the man who bought the painting is

A) Peoria

66) Which project leader belongs to EME Corps of the Indian army?

A) col. V J Sundaram

67) Who taught Kalpana Chawla never to give up anything she believed in?

A) Sanjyothi

68) How many crew members were on board the Columbia Shttle-87?

A) 6

69) In which year did Kalpana Chawla complete her Ph.D?

A) 1988

70) What created a very productive work culture at DRDL from the chapter “An Infusion of Young Blood”?

A) Positive dependence between youth and experience.

71) What kind of work was Dr.Kalam entrusted with at DRDL?

A) Knowledge evaluation

72) What happened in the young scientific environment, in the chapter “An Infusion of Young Blood”?

A) Negative attitude changed to positive

73) Who was the Director of SHAR in the chapter “Earth to Fire, Prithvi to Agni”?

A) Mr.Kurup

74) Name the director and creator of VSSC from the lesson “Making of Our Missiles”.

A) Prof.Sarabhai & Dr.Brahma Prakash

75) Abbreviation of VIP is Very Important Person

76) What fact did the magistrate praise in the drawing made in the part as seen in the story “Service of Love”?

A) Sky

77) What kind of picture did Joe draw?

A) A picture of the town pump with an important citizen passing in a hurry.

78) In which year was the foundation stone laid for Research Centre, Imarat<>

A) 3rd August 1985

79) Identify the number of nations out of 191 that had not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

A) Four

80) The measurement of centre table in the story “A Service of Love”. A) 8x10 inches

81) What characteristic of Dr.Brahm Prakash helped Dr.Kalam control his aggressive approach ?

A) Humility

82) Mention the important managerial tactic in the programme, from the lesson “Making our own Missiles”.

A) Rapid & Pro-active follow up

83) In which year was Kalpana Chawla given a job as Vice President & Research Scientist with Overset Methods Inc, in the Silicon Valley?

A) 1993

84) Who was associated when Kalam with his team was working on the action plan for 14MDP?

A) Indira Gandhi

85) The person who enjoys calling Dr.Kalam by the number of letters & words in Kalam’s name.

A) T N Seshan

86) How many scientists worked in Agni Missile team?

A) More than 500

87) What did Dr.Kalam bless his brother’s daughter with?

A) Father’s love

88) What were rolled up in the lesson, “An Infusion of Young Blood”?

A) PERT Charts

89) How many scientists gathered to discuss the issue of allied forces at DRDL & RCI? A) 500

90) What was the branch that the principal and the teachers at PEC tried to persuade Kalpana Chawla to change?

A) Aeronautical Engineering

91) Who were the parents of Kalpana Chawla?

A) Banarasi lal Chawla & Sanjyoti

92) From which place did Joe Larrabie come?

A) Middle West

93) What did Clementina eat after her lesson?

A) A welsh rabbit

94) When did Delia and Clementina have welsh rabbit?

A) 5.00 pm

95) The young graduates working on Prithvi were from the University of

A) Jadavpur

96) To a university of which country did Kalpana Chawla plan to sponser a student?

A) South Africa

97) Which university did Kalpana Chawla finally decide to attend for continuing her studies?

A) University of Texas at Arlington

98) Who was assassinated when Dr.Kalam with his team was working on the action plan for IGMD?

A) Mrs.Indira Gandhi

99) What is the estimated expenditure for IGMDP for a period of over 12 years as given in “A New Job and a Wedding”? A) 390cr

100) How did Dr.Kalam shape the country in the area of protected technologies?

A) Self-reliant

101) Abbreviation of MES – Military Engineering Service


Shaik Shaheen Taj

MA., MPhil., (PhD)., English, NIST.

Communication Skills

Meaning of Communication: Redfield defines, “Communication is the broad field of human interchange of facts and opinions”. Communication stems from the desire to express oneself. Communication is the process by which meanings, facts, ideas, opinions or emotions are exchanged with other people. The word ‘communicate’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Communicare’ which means to ‘share’ or ‘participate’. Through speech or writing or exchange of common set of symbols information is shared. Communication is first and foremost, a social activity. Man as a social animal has to communicate, hence communication is important to every human being. Communication is the ‘modus operandi’ of social and commercial intercourse. It is the lifeblood of any group or organization. Communication connects individuals and business entities. It is through communication that the information, ideas, attitudes or emotions in business and work situation exchanged from person to person and from group to group. As Sir John Harvey-Jones says, communication is the single most essential skill.

Evolution of Communication: The art of communication has passed through a fascinating journey spread across many centuries and civilizations. Much before they learnt to speak, human beings had learnt to express themselves through sounds, gestures and actions. Later they learnt to use symbols and pictures to convey messages. Early writings were on leaves and stones. The invention of printing revolutionized the process of communication. Finally the emergence of new media added new dimensions to the world of communication.

Objectives of Communication: Communication has many objectives depending upon the group and context. It is goal-oriented. The dominant objective of communication is, to inform, to educate, to train, to motivate, to integrate, to promote, to entertain and to facilitate decision-making. The activities of any organization require both people within and people outside to act, interact, reach share, exchange and get across to each other so that specific objectives are accomplished in an effective manner.

The first and foremost objective of any communication is to inform. This objective covers a wide range of areas, both internal and external. Another objective of communication in an organization is to educate. This is done through product literature, publicity, presentations and demonstrations. To achieve proficiency in specific skills business organizations train the people. Training sessions involve teaching, instruction, demonstration, practice and discussion. To pursue goals and to achieve higher levels of performance people in business organization are motivated. Talks, lectures, films, meetings, workshops and non-verbal messages are the means to motivate people. Communication provides the means for an integrated approach in pursuing organizational goals. Communication binds people working for a common objective and helps team-building. The success of any business organization depends upon good business relationships. Communication provides the means for building and nurturing mutually beneficial relationships. Promotion is a must for any organization to fully achieve its objectives. Communication constitutes the basic plank on which promotional strategies are built. Communication facilitates entertainment. It facilitates social bond and brings in lighter moments that help in releasing tension and getting rid of negative feeling. Decision making constitutes an important function for any business organization. Communication both oral and written facilitates decision-making in any business organization.

Process of Communication

Communication is a process involving stimulus and response. It flows through six distinct steps. It is not complete till the message sent by the sender is properly understood by the receiver. Feedback is an important aspect of communication, especially in the organizational context. The communication process involves three elements – Sender, Receiver and the Message. The process of communication begins with a sender, the person who transmits a message. First of all the message is initiated. Sender picks up the idea and encodes it for proper understanding. The encoded message is then transmitted through the chosen medium or channel. Receiver receives the message and decodes it. The decoded message is used or acted upon. As a final step, feedback on use or action is sent back to the sender.

Thus the starting point of any communication is the existence of a message. The process of communication starts with a purpose. The sender gives shape to the idea he wants to communicate. The next step is the encoding of the idea. It involves choosing the right words, expressions, phrases, charts and pictures in order to facilitate complete and clear expression of the idea. The encoded message is now ready to travel, the sender has to select the medium or the communication channel – Oral, Written, Visual, Audio-Visual, Electronic or a combination of any of these. The choice of channel or medium (written or oral) is influenced by inter relationships between the sender and the receiver; it also depends upon the urgency of the message. If message requires an immediate answer, an oral channel is better and if the message contains complicated details and figures or if its subject requires filing for future, a written communication is necessary. The transmission is complete when the message reaches the receiver. If the receiver does not respond to the message, the idea fails to reach its destination. If the receiver decodes the message and accepts it, then the sender’s efforts are fulfilled. The quality of feedback



When you were

1 year old, she fed you and bathed you.

You thanked her by crying all night longer…

2 years old she taught you to walk.

You thanked her by running away when she called…

3 years old, she made all your meals with love.

You thanked her by tossing your plate on the floor…

5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays.

You thanked her by plopping into the nearest mud pool…

18 years old, she cried at your high school graduation.

You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn…

25 years old, she arranged for your wedding.

You thanked her by moving away from her…

30 years old, she called you with some advice on the baby.

You thanked her by telling her, “Things are different now”…

50 years old she fell ill and needed you to take care of her.

You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children.

Always remember her unconditional love and never forget to love her

Because you have only one mother in your lifetime!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Important tips for students

  1. Students normally consider anger, laziness, sensitiveness, fear, tension, inferiority complex, insecurity about future, failure to speak in public, lack of attention and memory as their problems. These are not at all problems but only weaknesses which can be fought upon.
  2. Daydreaming is the barrier of learning. Lack of concentration is due to lack of interest in studies or more interest in other things. Conquer your unwanted desires that take your time. Don’t discuss your next day’s interesting programs like going to cinema or picnic, just before starting your studies. This leads to daydreaming distracting your concentration. Fight this barrier. Avoid gossip, arguments, phone conversations and long discussions during your study hours.
  3. Planning your timetable is very essential. Decide how much time you are going to spend for your entertainment and how much for your studies. Time Management is very important. So plan to work according to your time table. Request your parents not to invite guests during your study hours. See that your friends should not ring up at your study hours.
  4. Pay equal importance to all subjects. Don’t ignore any subject. If you do so at the time of examination you will find that particular subject difficult and tough. Don’t sit at the nick of the moment preparing for the examination. Don’t be over-confident. Plan to prepare for examinations from the beginning of the academic year. This helps you to avoid tension when the examination date advances. Doing this you can maintain good health avoiding late night outs.
  5. Understand the subject matter. Discuss with friends or with your teachers to clarify your doubts if any. Develop the habit of condensing and expanding the subject. Note down important points using key words and learn to expand the words when required.
  6. Try to follow your time table regularly without fail. You can give extra time for the subjects you feel tougher by giving extra time for that particular subject on holidays.
  7. Fix particular place for study. Avoid study in your bedroom or in kitchen. Spend time in libraries and try to study alone. Combined study may promote unnecessary gossips.
  8. If you feel bored of continuous study relax for a while. But don’t sit in front of the Television. Just go out, breath in fresh air and come back to your studies. Never watch late night movies.
  9. Develop the habit of reading text books. Note down the important points. You will not have time to read bulky text at the time of the examination so prior reading and noting down of important points helps you a lot during examination.
  10. Don’t read continuously without rest. Take ten minutes break in-between every one hour of your reading. Go to your balcony or in open space, close your eyes and feel the fresh air. During the ten minutes break, try to recollect what you have studied during the previous two hours, closing your eyes.
  11. Avoid oily foods and snacks in breakfast as these things make you lazy. Avoiding such food you can be alert throughout the day. Avoid heavy meal. After dinner, walk for ten minutes silently and then continue your studies.
  12. Drink as much water as you can while studying so that you feel fresh. For every of your study have a glass of buttermilk or fresh fruit juice. Smell mint before preparing for study. It increases your attentiveness.
  13. After completing one subject give a gap of five minutes and then go for next subject. Discuss your subject with your friends and parents so that you remember the things very well. Cultivate the habit of reading daily without break. If you wish to watch television or if you feel like talking with your friends complete prior to your studies. Avoid doing such things in-between or after your studies as it disturbs your mind.
  14. Avoid last minute preparation for any left out subject matter. It creates unnecessary tension.
  15. Avoid oily foods, cool drinks, sweets a month before examination.
  16. Usually students get nervous at the time of examination. But nervousness makes you forget things. Your memory weakens. So stay relaxed and confident before staring to write your examination.
  17. Divide your time equally for all the questions. Before answering the question paper read it atleast twice. Don’t waste your time on one answer. Don’t write beyond the requirement. See that though the answers are brief they cover entire points.
  18. Avoid falling in love at your age. It is quite common but with a little effort, you can avoid such things. There is lot of life further for a better choice. Self control is very essential to develop concentration and to build a bright future.

Perform your duty


Thy not expect the result

Enjoy the work

Just by doing it

And the result is a bonus.