Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Hello friends, This article is useful to all the youngsters aspiring for bright careers. Ability is God's gift. God has distributed it equally to all. But alas many don't use it in a proper way. My request to you is to use your brain and develop ypur Mind power which is very essentail for a successful career.First point to be remembered is that to do any work concentration is very important.Suppose you want to burn a piece of paper using a lens, what will you do? you will definetely make the sunrays fall on the paper witout allowing the rays to distract.Similarly if you want to learn something, you should be very attentive. You have to focus your mind on that particular topic without causing any distraction to your mind.

Many youngsters face difficulty in focussing their mind on one thing.They may be running after wordly pleasures like gambling,drinking,drugs,illegal websites,etc. Orelse they may be more interested in sports,cinemas,serials, so on and so forth. If this habit continues for a long time they become aimless. Time once lost cannot be regained.So friends, whatever you want to achieve you resolve very strongly and run after it. Then only you will be sucessful in your life.

All of us have will power.But very few people have control over it. Your will power will become weak if you become the victim of temptations.So you have to gather stamina of mind and develop your mind power. Mind power is achieved only through concentration. Mind should be solely focussed on yopur aim. You should be knowing that nothing is impossible for yoy."You can if you think you can." So be attentive, focus your mind on your work,make your own time table,avoid distractions and definitely you will get transformed. Fix the time to meet your friends, to play, to watch movies then there will never be the distraction of your mind.

Few people say that they are intested in reading romantic novels, in watching cricket match, in chating with their friends and in watching their favourite hero's action movies. They complain that they have no interest in studies. They can't learn anything.Why does this happen? Only because of lack of interest. Nothing is impossible for human beings.When your friends can do it why can't you? God has equally given ability, intelligency and creativity to all. Utilize your intelligency in a proper way definitely you will come out in flying colours.

You can't learn anything if you are scared. You very well know that communication skills are essential to get good jobs. If you are afraid to communicate how will you develop your skills. Once you gain confidence and interest to learn then definitely you can do it. Be positive, be bold and never feel inferior to anyone. So my dear youngsters whenever you want to learn something, avoid distractions. You see that the place you select to read or write should be free of distractions. You can't sit in front of a television and learn things. Your mind involuntarily gets distracted and loses the focus on one point. So avoid distractions , prepare a regular time table, concentrate on the subject, and see the miracle. You will definitely be transformed. You will become sucessful man and will definitely achieve you aim. So friends remember to avoid three Ds in life; diversion, digression and distraction.

...................BEST OF LUCK..................

1 comment:

Unknown said...

as a youngester i would like to say thanx to TAJ who has focussed on the "MIND POWER" its really very good for students,youngesters or any learner.