Thursday, April 26, 2012
Our life is like a bubble, a short morning dream. Therefore, we should take good care and make the best use of it. In other words, we must understand the value of time. Time management is basically planning and dividing one's time in a constructive way.
For instance, we have a number of activities that have to be taken care of in a particular period of time. So we should be able to plan our activities in such a way that we are able to complete all the work in a given span of time.
It is a fact that if man takes care of his minutes' then the 'hours' and 'days'' will take care of themselves. It is said that 'Time is more precious than money'. This is because, money lost in business or otherwise, can be gained or earned again. But time once lost, can never come back.
We all grow in time, live in time and ultimately, perish in time. There may not be an exact definition of time, but we all know what it is and its great value in a person's life. A man has a lot of wants. We all want fame, success, money, happiness, love, etc. There is no end to our desires. However, only a few are successful, prosperous and happy. These few are the ones who realized the value of time. They made the best use of their time and attained an enviable position in the society.
People, who made effective usage of time at their disposal, got the best from time. But those who forgot the value of time found to their utter dismay that it was harsh on them later.
In other words, successful persons use time in the best possible manner to achieve their goals. Most of us waste our precious time in unnecessary things such as gossips, roaming-aimlessly, grieving over the past blunders or day dreaming. It must always be kept in mind that, Time and tide wait for none. Time can be spent wisely or foolishly. The choice is ours and so are its consequences.
Life is not a bed of roses. each and everyone of us has to face a number of problems in life. We have to be bold and courageous enough to face them. Problems are faced by men of courage only. Escapist always avoids problems. Had times teach us a lot. They prepare us for a prosperous and glorious future. If difficult times arrive, they would prepare us for a better life. We would be able to handle problems in future with more maturity, stability and courage.
Basically, time and opportunity once lost can never be recovered. The flow of time is ceaseless and eternal and we all are like small insignificant particles in this endless and continuous flow. Time is eternal and endless but human life is very limited, finite and short-lived. hence, successful people make the best use of time in their lives. A word done is time earned. A decision taken at an appropriate moment can work wonders. hence, let us strike the iron when it is red hot.
We must make the best us of good times. We must make arrangements for the bad times during the good times. When the bad times knock at our doorstep, we should face them bravely with perseverance. That is how a rational and strong man is supposed to fight his battles of life. Ultimately a seasoned and an experienced human-being would be able to master time with his resources, skills and careful planning.
A proper use of time means the right use of an opportunity. As a very popular saying goes - 'A stitch in time saves nine'. As opportunities in life are few and far between, so is time precious and limited. Those of us who miss an opportunity or waste time, have to repent all our life. This implies that we must be punctual, disciplined and regular in our work-schedule.
One should inculcate the habit of early rising as one can complete a number of takes before the day has even started. For this, once must never be plagued with lethargy and bad habits. Some of them are sleeping late at night, laziness, passivity, remaining glued to the television or addicted to certain drugs. etc.
To conclude, it is foolishness to think that we can make up for the lost time There is a popular saying that 'the past is dead and the future is unborn'. There are no tomorrows and yesterdays. It is 'today' which is important. Time is very powerful. It ha more power than the mightiest of monarchs. For they come and go, but time remains forever, without an end or a beginning.
Essay on Female Education in INDIA
The men and the women are the two wheels of the society. If one of the two falls defective, the society cannot make progress. Hence we need education for the females as we need for the males.
The female education is highly necessary for the society. Because mothers are the first teachers of the children. They are the first teachers of the future citizens of the country. If the mothers be ignorant, they cannot take proper care of the children. They cannot infuse good qualities in them. Hence, the very foundation of our people will remain weak, if the females will be ignorant the society will lose the services of a powerful part of our society. So, female education is quite necessary for the girls. The women are in no way inferior to men. In western countries the women are writing books, driving cars and aero-planes, running banks and big business firms and doing research in the laboratory. There are women scientists, women officers and women writers. The typewriters, the news agents, the sales agents the commercial solicitors are mostly women. Hence, we cannot decry the women-folk in our country.
But the female education has some disadvantages too. It is found in Europe and America that the educated women do not want to bear children. They do not like their children. They leave them in the nursery, more out of their disgust than for any other reason. But the defect does not lie in education as a principle. The defect lies in the curriculums. If they learn what the males learn then naturally they will like to be like males. So, separate courses of study should be prepared for the females.
Present position:
Indians are conservative by nature. So, their blind faith and age old superstition stood against the female education. Now, people have felt the virtue of female education. The do not hesitate to send their daughters to schools. Now in India we find women professors, lady doctors, lady scientists, lady politicians and lady ministers. But a large number of women are still in dark. They should be educated in the interest of our national progress.
India is now optimistic in the field of female education. We had the female philosophers like Gargi, Maritreyi and Viswabara in the Vedic age. We had Mirabai, Ahalyabi, Durgabati and Laxmibai in the days of history. They were all learned. Hence, we had a great tradition during the days of our degeneration. Now, we have revived. So, we will certainly revive the female education in India.
Essay on The Importance of Physical fitness
The popular saying "health is wealth" gives a large meaning to our life as health is considered the most valuable and precious for every individual. Good health means not only a state of absence of disease in the body but a complete physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well being of an individual.
A healthy environment facilities good health but it is the unhealthy environment due to over population, excessive industrialization, air and water pollution etc. that is threatening the life with many dreadful disease. In the contemporary India many people have been gripped by the clutch of disease like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, AIDS etc. although people of ancient India were said to be relatively healthy. At present people are suffering from various mental disorders also because they are racing blindly towards fame and having only one aim in life that is to achieve the big status in society.
Today competition in each field is so intense that nobody can escape from the hectic schedule of life. Earlier, a few decades ago, people used to work differently, enjoying the different color of life. But it is noticed now that people are working under stressful condition and without satisfaction, which is detrimental to their physical fitness. As a result they are suffering from many disease.
Physical fitness is very necessary for a healthy and tension free life. Physical fitness includes diet, exercise and sleep. These three basic things have their own importance in each individual's life and everyone should be sensible with regard to these for a healthy life.
Diet is the kind of food that we take. As our life depends upon it we must know, how much to eat and when to eat. Therefore, one should "eat to live and not live to eat". Whatever is pleasing to your eyes, whatever is pleasing to your tongue and whatever you feel pleased after eating may be taken as long as your digestion, body weight, strength and activities are normal. Diet should be simple and light rather than heavy, but it should be always rich and pretentious. Fruit must be supplemented with the meals
Those who take fruit and fresh vegetables in diet enjoy the longevity of life, good health, agility in activity, spirituality of mind and humanity of outlook. a diet rich in fruits and fresh vegetables lowers the incidence of disease such as cancer, diabetes, cataract, heart attack etc. Fast food and soft drinks should be strictly avoided although every individual has his own requirements.
Dietary habits of childhood are difficult to change afterwards. So mothers should refrain from overfeeding their children. Some important tips of good eating habits are:
(1) make breakfast the largest and dinner the lightest meal of the day.
(2) be a nibbler not a gourmet.
(3) eat your salad before your eat the meal.
(4) don't starve yourself and overeat subsequently.
(5) fast food and canned food are costly both for your pocket and your heart.
(6) yellow orange and green vegetables and fruits add life to your heart .
(7) as age advances eat less and exercise more.
Activities requiring physical effort is called exercise. Exercise are generally of two types, light and heavy. Exercises are done by turning, bending and stretching the body keeping in mind the structure of the body. An ideal exercise is the one which facilitates the movement of each and every part of the body. Walking, running, cycling, playing, swimming, gardening, skipping, weight-lifting and yoga are some common forms of exercise which keep someone fit. But going to gym for exercise is a fashion now.
Basic Metabolic Rate increases if a person exercises. As a result the absorption of digested food increases. Exercising also burns the excess fat in the body and improves the functioning of vital organs. Regular exercise reduces the excessive body weight as well as the danger of high blood pressure due to obesity. Deposition of syrup lipids in blood because of extra fat can also be reduced by doing regular exercise. It makes the heart more active and reduces the incidence of coronary heart disease. Regular exercise also tones the muscles and removes the wrinkles on a person's face. Exercise is essential for both obese as well as weak people because it results in the loss of calories ultimately reducing the weight in case of obese and results in the weight gain in case of weak by increasing the appetite by stimulating the digestive system.
Yoga and meditation increase energy, give freshness and infuse new confidence in a person.
Sleep is the physical and mental state during which nervous system undergoes an active reorganization rather than real inhibition. The requirement of sleep varies from one age group to another. Every part of the body relaxes during sleep but organs like heart, kidney, lungs and the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) remain active. In children the requirement of sleep is high, around 12-14 hours and the normal adult requires 7-8 hours of sound sleep daily. However adults nowadays are sleeping less because of busy schedules, night shifts and late night parties.
Physical well-being wholly depends upon a sound brain as all activities of our body are controlled by the mind. Any disturbance in the mind will disturb the body giving rise to various abnormalities. So a sound sleep is must for a healthy person. Some useful tips for it are - (1) before going to bed get rid of your stress by meditation, (2) don't' sleep during the day, (3) perform physical and mental work to get some sleep, (4) do your exercise regularly, (5) drink warm milk and avoid spice food before going to bed.
The quality and not the quantity of sleep is important, although 8 hours sleep is necessity for sound health.
Thus, balanced diet, regular exercise and sound sleep are the prerequisites for sound physical fitness and physical fitness is the key to a productive and successful life.
Essay on The Evils of Drinking
Except drunkards, no one else supports drinking. It is a great social evil. It is bad for the individual as well as for society. The drunkard becomes addicted to wine in different ways. Mostly, the people acquire this bad habit in undesirable society. Some take to it as a mark of fashion in the beginning. But gradually they become drink addicts, Whatever may be reasons for drinking, it is indisputable that it is a great evil.
Evil effect of drinking are innumerable. Family life of drunkard becomes miserable. All his money is drained off by this evil habit. He becomes morally degraded. in fact, drinking is the stepping stone to all other vices. it leads to gambling and prostitution. This evil habit degrades the drunkard in the eyes of people. It is bad not only for the individual but also for society.
Efforts have been made from time to time to drive out the demon of drank from society. Some religious strictly forbid their followers from drinking. Many great social reformers have also tried their best to prevent people from drinking. Mahatma Gandhi was deadly against it. It was his influence which made A.I.C.C. declare prohibition, as its main item of social reform. As result of this resolutions, soon after independency, Congress ministries in many States imposed total prohibition. In others, partial prohibition was introduced, as in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi.
Some people are against prohibition. According to them it will never be successful. They point out certain difficulties in its way. through prohibition the Government loses very good source of income. Besides this, prohibition leads to illicit distillation. Thus, on the one hand, the government loses its income, and on the other, evil goes underground and persists. It leads to corruption and bribery. It is said that people cannot be made moral by force. Big officials and influential persons, being themselves addicted to drinking do not work seriously for the success of prohibition. Many other difficulties come in its way. It is for all these reasons that in U.P., Haryana and a number of other states, prohibition has been done away with.
But we cannot agree with those who are against prohibition. Whatever may be arguments against prohibition, it is a fact that even the drunkards hate themselves. In their heart of hears, all the addicts curse this habit. If we cannot free those who have become habituated to drinking, it does not matter. But we cannot afford that our younger generation and the non-addicts should get entangled in this evil. They must be saved. In their interest, prohibition must be introduced all over India. No doubt, the government loses some revenue as a result of prohibition. But the gain in human welfare is considerable.
Let the Government pass laws making drinking a legal offence. It should also educate public opinion against the evil. We are happy to note that some steps have already taken in this direction. Drinking is no longer glorified in the pictures. Rather, its evils are being stressed. This is a healthy sign. All our efforts must be made in the interest of the children and the poor to drive out the demon of drink from society.
Essay on Stress
This is for your information. You can select the points.
What Is Stress?
Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength. This class will discuss different causes of stress, how stress affects you, the difference between 'good' or 'positive' stress and 'bad' or 'negative' stress, and some common facts about how stress affects people today.
What Causes Stress?
Many different things can cause stress -- from physical (such as fear of something dangerous) to emotional (such as worry over your family or job.) Identifying what may be causing you stress is often the first step in learning how to better deal with your stress. Some of the most common sources of stress are:
Survival Stress - You may have heard the phrase "fight or flight" before. This is a common response to danger in all people and animals. When you are afraid that someone or something may physically hurt you, your body naturally responds with a burst of energy so that you will be better able to survive the dangerous situation (fight) or escape it all together (flight). This is survival stress.
Internal Stress - Have you ever caught yourself worrying about things you can do nothing about or worrying for no reason at all? This is internal stress and it is one of the most important kinds of stress to understand and manage. Internal stress is when people make themselves stressed. This often happens when we worry about things we can't control or put ourselves in situations we know will cause us stress. Some people become addicted to the kind of hurried, tense, lifestyle that results from being under stress. They even look for stressful situations and feel stress about things that aren't stressful.
Environmental Stress - This is a response to things around you that cause stress, such as noise, crowding, and pressure from work or family. Identifying these environmental stresses and learning to avoid them or deal with them will help lower your stress level.
Fatigue and Overwork - This kind of stress builds up over a long time and can take a hard toll on your body. It can be caused by working too much or too hard at your job(s), school, or home. It can also be caused by not knowing how to manage your time well or how to take time out for rest and relaxation. This can be one of the hardest kinds of stress to avoid because many people feel this is out of their control. Later in this course we will show you that you DO have options and offer some useful tips for dealing with fatigue.
How Does Stress Affect You?
Stress can affect both your body and your mind. People under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. Sometimes, they even suffer mental breakdowns.
Physical and Mental Signs of Stress
You've heard before that recognizing when you are under stress is the first step in learning how to deal with your stress, but what does that mean? Sometimes we are so used to living with stress, we don't know how to identify it.
Whether you are experiencing immediate or short-term stress or have been experiencing stress for a long time or long-term stress, your body and mind may be showing the effects. Here are some 'warning signs' that stress is affecting your body and mind.
Physical and Mental Signs of Short-term Stress
Often occurring in quick 'bursts' in reaction to something in your environment, short-term stress can affect your body in many ways. Some examples include:
Making your heartbeat and breath faster
Making you sweat more
Leaving you with cold hands, feet, or skin
Making you feel sick to your stomach or giving you 'butterflies'
Tightening your muscles or making you feel tense
Leaving your mouth dry
Making you have to go to the bathroom frequently
Increasing muscle spasms, headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath
While this burst of energy may help you in physical situations where your body needs to react quickly, it can have bad effects on your mind and performance if there is no outlet or reason for your stress. These effects may include:
Interfering with your judgment and causing you to make bad decisions
Making you see difficult situations as threatening
Reducing your enjoyment and making you feel bad
Making it difficult for you to concentrate or to deal with distraction
Leaving you anxious, frustrated or mad
Making you feel rejected, unable to laugh, afraid of free time, unable to work, and not willing to discuss your problems with others
Physical and Mental Signs of Long-term Stress
Long-term stress or stress that is occurring over long periods of time can have an even greater effect on your body and mind. Long-term stress can affect your body by:
Changing your appetite (making you eat either less or more)
Changing your sleep habits (either causing you to sleep too much or not letting you sleep enough)
Encouraging 'nervous' behavior such as twitching, fiddling, talking too much, nail biting, teeth grinding, pacing, and other repetitive habits
Causing you to catch colds or the flu more often and causing other illnesses such as asthma, headaches, stomach problems, skin problems, and other aches and pains
Affecting your sex life and performance
Making you feel constantly tired and worn out
Long-term stress can also have serious effects on your mental health and behavior. If you are under stress for long periods of time, you may find that you have difficulty thinking clearly, dealing with problems, or even handling day-to-day situations as simple as shaving, picking up clothes or arriving somewhere on time. Some mental signs of long-term stress include:
Worrying and feeling anxious (which can sometimes lead to anxiety disorder and panic attacks)
Feeling out of control, overwhelmed, confused, and/or unable to make decisions
Experiencing mood changes such as depression, frustration, anger, helplessness, irritability, defensiveness, irrationality, overreaction, or impatience and restlessness
Increasing dependence on food, cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs
Neglecting important things in life such as work, school, and even personal appearance
Developing irrational fears of things such as physical illnesses, natural disasters like thunderstorms and earthquakes, and even being terrified of ordinary situations like heights or small spaces
Dealing with Stress:
One of the most immediate and easiest ways to deal with stress is responding to your body's physical symptoms. Sometimes this can be as easy as stopping what you're doing and taking a few deep, relaxing breaths. Sound too easy? Well try it.
Are the kids or family getting on your nerves?
Go into another room, or even the bathroom or closet if you need to get away! Shut the door. Experience the quiet. Take a few deep breaths. Feel the tension go out of your head, neck and shoulders. Try not to feel too silly for hanging out in the coat closet.
Had another bad day with your boss or another office worker?
Shut the door to your office if you have one and take a few minutes for yourself. No door? Stroll down the hall, rinse your face in cool water in the bathroom, or head outside for a few lungfulls of fresh air. Just getting away for a few minutes can be calming and help you relax.
Spent too long studying over the books or trying to finish that report for work?
Push back from your desk. Roll your head and shoulders. Rub your hands together quickly to warm them and place them over your weary eyes, or just close your eyes and let your face and neck relax. Breathe in and out deeply. Remember the time your boss / coworker / teacher / you sat on the jelly donut.
There -- you've already lowered your stress and your blood pressure in just a few seconds. Because our first reaction to stress is physical (our body releases chemicals, our heartbeat and breath become faster, and muscles get tense as we prepare for 'fight or flight'), your first line of defense against stress is convincing your body to relax again.
Responding to the immediate physical effects of stress can help lessen the long-term and mental effects of stress. Developing a healthier lifestyle and building activities into your schedule that help you relax can also help your body, and mind, bounce back from stress. Here are some other 'quick fixes' and long-term tips for helping you deal with the physical effects of stress.
While occasionally experiencing one or two of the above symptoms may not be cause for concern (everyone has a few nervous habits and difficulties in their lives!), having a number of these symptoms may mean you are under more stress than you think. But realizing you are under stress is the first step in learning to deal with stress. We recommend you take our stress test then read on to learn more about dealing with stress.
Essay : Prevention is better than Cure
Prevention implies 'to stop doing something'. Cure means 'to find a solution'. Man is prone to commit mistakes. Prevention is the shield which saves mankind from many disasters, chaos and destruction. Man can foresee the happenings of the future. He checks himself from doing anything wrong.
We must measure very step we take. Cure involves much more effort and pain than what would needed to prevent a problem from affecting us. A cure is a blessing, but prevention is more than a blessing. It is better than cure. A wise act of cautious mind can check us from stepping into something wrong or dangerous. The act of right living makes everything possible. Living in the right sense means living judiciously, wisely and cautiously.
Man has the knowledge of distinguishing between the right and the wrong, the good and the evil,. the safe and the dangerous. He can judge them and escape from dangers and difficulties before thy engulf him. Many fail to distinguish between them and find themselves trapped. Then they seek a cure.
Prevention halts or obstructs the danger or evil etc, from the person before it overpowers him. It makes the person escape from it completely. Cure is a solution for the danger or evil which has already engulfed him. Hence, prevention is better than cure.
A man is judged by his character and manners. His character can be easily polluted. Sometimes people happen to come in contact of bad people. This affects their life badly. They can become a slave to bad habits like smoking, drinking, gambling etc. They may create problems in his family affairs, health and finances. They can lead a healthy life if they avoid them and prevents themselves from falling into such habits.
Prevention can be ensured by planning ahead. An unfortunate act can be avoided if planning is done well in advance. If you want to lose some weight, have a plan, if you want a new job, have a plan. Everything usually goes systematically if we plan for it earlier. The planned programme of vaccinating children well in time has led to the decrease of the incidence of diseases like polio, measles, tetanus etc. Thus, vaccination can prevent in time will help in the . prevention of these diseases in time will help in the eradication of the same.
It is also correct when it is said that we have to take risk or listen to our instincts at some level, but it is also a fact that we cannot take risk in some aspect of like education, finance, health etc. Any kind of carelessness in these aspects may cause destruction. So it is better to take all necessary precautions before hand.
A healthy, balanced diet and daily exercise can prevent the risk of falling prey to obesity. The obesity diseases like heart ailments, diabetes, blood pressure ect can also be taken care of. Today's, AIDS is the most terrifying and deadly disease. AIDS in incurable but it is preventable. Millions of people are suffering from this dreadful disease. A negligent act can make one suffer from AIDS. The use of disposable needles, safe sex, tested donor's blood to a recipient and loyalty t one's spouse can prevent one from getting infected by HIV.
Preventive measures taken in other areas also lessen the intensity of suffering. Keeping an eye on market position can prevent stock broker and a share holder from an economical fall or financial catastrophe. Population control measures would lead to better living conditions.
Better education system would result in well informed citizens taking right decisions. Dams can prevent the occurrence of flood. Weather forecasting helps people to take preventive measures against dangers like tsunami, cyclone etc. The new techniques of seismology has been introduced to forecast the earthquake. It helps us to take preventive measures.
To know how to prevent, one needs to be alert. One should be very careful while doing something. We should start every work only after judging the pros and cons of that. It is better to avoid doing certain things, the benefits of which are not significant. By combining one's judgment and preventive abilities, one can lead a joyous and healthy life.
Essay : Educating the girl child means Educating the Family
Education of a child starts from the family and mother is the first teacher. But, the irony in India is that although the deity of education is a female i.e. Goddess Saraswati according to the Hinduism, innumerable number of women are illiterate.
They are not remaining uneducated by their own wish but they are being forbidden from receiving education because of the patriarchal families in our society.
Right from the early Vedic period people have been celebrating the birth of a son, but in those days daughters born into a family were not neglected and educated properly. However the scene was changed during the later Vedic Age and the daughters were considered as a social burden. Only the girls belonging to upper class families enjoyed the right of education and got proper nourishment. In medieval period the conditions deteriorated for the females and even in royal families, girls could not get the same status as the boys. In Muslim households they were taught at their homes while Hindu girls enjoyed the privilege of getting primary education along with the boys in schools. The prevalence of child marriage were excessively practiced. However, in the nineteenth century many social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Annie Besant, M.G. Ranade, Jyotibe Phule, Swami Dayanand Saraswati etc. came forward for the emancipation of women in India. Especially Raja Ram Mohan Roy advocated for female education.
Since then there has been tremendous progress in every field but unfortunately still the girls are neglected. In most of the families the birth of a girl child is not desired and if accepted they are thought inferior to boys and their education is not considered important because it seems a wastage of money to most of the parents. they think it unreasonable because afterwards they have been compelled to bear a heavy amount towards their dowry. So the female literacy is rate is unsatisfactory and it has a direct impact upon the overall development of a nation and its population growth. If India wants to be one of the developed nations it must concentrate on female education because if we educate a man we educate an individual but if we educate a women we educate an entire family. Again the root cause of all problems facing the women is related to education. if all women are educate, then all problems like female infanticide, dowry, female suicides, domestic battering, malnutrition of women, child marriage and other related atrocities would get vanished from India.
Education provides an essential qualification to fulfill certain economic, political and cultural functions and improves women's socioeconomic status. At very age and level education enhances the intellectual, social and emotional development of women and enables them to meet their basic needs to daily life. It brings reduction in inequalities in the society.
Only educated women can understand the needs of the family. They will never send their children to work in any shop or factory, rather they will arrange for their education in good schools. They will take proper care of the health and diet of their children. A mother knows what is good for her kids and how they should be brought up. Thus, educated mothers would promote education for all their children without discrimination. But if a mother (girl) is not educated and gets children then she would do anything without reasoning and harm herself and her children. As she is not educated, she would tend to think that education is only for the mail and not for the female and thus, she would ingrain in her daughters the idea that they are inferior to their brothers.
As girls are not educated they remain dependent on their family before marriage, on their husband after marriage and on their children after the death of their spouse. This is the main reason for the unpleasant condition of women. So if girls will be educated, they will no longer be dependent on any one and they can do a lot for their uplift.
Most of the problems of society can be eradicated by educating the girl child. marriage at a very young age leads the women to conceive repeatedly, which affect their health badly. Most of the uneducated women do not know about the various contraceptive measures. Even if some know they feel hesitant in using them. It results in more growth of population and worse condition of women. Thus, the state in which female literacy rate is more like Kerala, population growth is less. The menace of child labor also has significantly been out of practice because the women became aware of their rights and privileges.
Women are exploited in every sector, especially if they are uneducated, because they cannot demand their rights. Most of the women lack unity and work in unorganized sector. If they were educated they would have been knowing the rules and regulations and working in an organized sector getting the benefits of public schemes. If women are educated enough they can get training for setting of small scale industries, they can know the procedure of getting loan, get the knowledge of market availability of raw material and labor, new policies of the government, procedure to register new product and knowledge about import and export goods. If their standard of living will be improved. it will indirectly uplift the level of society. If they can be financially strong they will take proper care of their children and provide them good education.
According to Mahatma Gandhi, "Due to her nature women possesses the best ability to teach the child". Chhatrapati Shivaji and Maharana Pratap are the best example of this saying. Thus, let us start educating the female children to change the face of society.
Essay : A Stitch in Times Saves Nine
"A Stitch in Times Saves Nine" is a well known proverb. It is frequently used in conversation. It passes on from one hand to another like a current coin. It means that evil should be nipped in the bud, and thus much future trouble would be avoided. A cloth which is torn must be stitched at once for otherwise the torn portion would increase in size and many more stitches would be required. Similarly, in every walk of life things must be set right in the very beginning in order to avoid much future trouble and expenditure. Sometime, if the evil is not put down in the very beginning, it may become unmanageable and may not be remedied at all. Hence we may say that the proverb "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" has much truth and wisdom in it.
The truth of the proverb will become clear, if we consider a few examples from day to day life. It is early in life that many bad habit is acquired and if the evil habit is not checked then and there, it grows and gives rise to many other evil habits. If a growing child tells lies, he should be at once taken to task so that the habit doesn't take roots, and he learns to tell the truth. If the child does not relish the food prepared at home or if he refuses to teak some particular dish, this bad habit should be put down in the very beginning. Fond, indulgent parents over-look such evils. They forget that in this way they are spoiling their darling child, that one evil leads to another and ultimately it would all recoil on themselves.
The point is illustrated by the well known story of the boy who acquired the evil habit of stealing and his indulgent and his fond mother did not punish him for it. He was encouraged by her attitude, and petty thefts soon led on to much greater thefts. Ultimately the result was dacoity and murder and he was sentenced to be hanged till death. His lat wish was a few words with his mother. When his mother came he pretended as if he wanted to whisper something in her ears. But when she came nearer, he cut off her ears, and told she was responsible for his disgraceful death. If she had punished him for stealing in the very beginning, he would never have become a dacoit and murdered.
Many a social evil flourishes in Indian society to-day and it has become impossible to put it down. This is so because the wise proverb in question was forgotten and evil was not nipped in the very beginning. Corruptions, nepotism, black-marketing, hoarding, smuggling, etc, are rampant today, for this very reason. On the other hand, terrorism was put down with an iron hand, in the very beginning and so it is dying out. The wisdom of the proverb is well-illustrated by the facts of Indian society.
Presentation Skills
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Presentation Skills Overview
A presentation is needed during business meetings, product launchings, job interviews, trainings, as well as in selling products and services. Working professionals will generally be asked to give a presentation in the presence of one or more people. Individuals who are not good at doing presentations should work doubly hard to improve their skills.
Giving a presentation is an opportunity to shine but for those who are always nervous, fidgety, and have difficulty expressing their thoughts and ideas, it can also become a barrier to career growth. Our Presentation Skills Training focuses on the key aspects that make up an effective presentation. This training will discuss in detail all the necessary things you need to know in order to deliver an impressive presentation for both big and small audiences.
By the end of this you will be able to:
Know the essential qualities that make up good presentation skills
Learn how to overcome your fears and anxiety
Learn how to plan well prior to giving a presentation
Learn how to use visual aids to enhance your presentation
Know the strategies and techniques needed to connect with the audience and make a positive first impression
Know how to start and end your presentation properly
Target Audience
People who have just started out on their respective careers can greatly benefit from this training program. This training is also helpful to just about any person who wants to improve their presentation skills for the purpose of being able to hold business presentations effectively.
1. Importance of Presentation Skills
Working professionals are required to come up with a presentation during a company or department meeting. If you are a working individual who may be just starting out in your career or who is already at the height of your profession you need to learn the basics of presentation skills and understand its importance.
2. Essential Qualities for Giving Presentation
One of the challenges any working individual will probably encounter in the workplace is to give a presentation. Usually the boss will appoint the employee to conduct a presentation of a particular agenda. In a sales-oriented and marketing company the sales representatives will also have to come up with a periodic presentation of their sales report.
3. How to Create Good Atmosphere for Presentation
Every presenter aims to deliver a memorable presentation to his audience something that would create an impact on their lives or on their viewpoints. As a presenter you are like the captain of the ship who maneuvers the vessel to the point of destination.
4. Know Your Audience
Speaking before a group of people consists of important elements. One of these key constituents is the audience. In a presentation the listeners are one of the very essential components because they act as the judge to your performance. They also play a big role on the achievement of your presentation goals.
5. How to Make First Impression
The first-time experiences are always critical in any situation. In the aspect of delivering a speech or a presentation creating an impressive outcome is as equally important as nailing the objectives. If it is your very first time to ever conduct a presentation in your company making a good first impression should be a primary goal.
6. Presentation Anxiety and Fear
Have you ever spoken before a group of people or a crowd Everyone must have had their share of it whether it is in school in your company or in any other situation that calls for a presentation or public speaking. Looking back on the first time you ever spoke to an audience the experience must have been unforgettable and dreadful.
7. Setting Objectives for the Audience
In an oral presentation setting objectives is as equally important as attaining them. This should be done at the onset of the preparation stage for your presentation. After choosing a good topic to present or after being provided a topic define first your presentation objectives before going any further with preparing on the other elements.
8. The Power of Words
When we engage in an oral presentation especially if the purpose is to persuade and convince your audience we have to make it a point to impress them from start to finish. One of the important elements that should be considered is the use of words and language in a presentation.
9. Creating Effective Visual Aids
In an oral presentation the auditory sense of the audience is the fundamental method in getting your message across. However a plain verbal manner of presenting can elicit boredom and slow grasping of ideas. For your audience to understand what you are explaining visuals will reinforce your message.
10. Presentation Planning
A fundamental element in a successful presentation is preparation. If you are asked to make a presentation give yourself ample time to organize and plan things out so it will be an impressive result. An effective and successful presentation is a product of carefully planned and well-rehearsed preparation.
11. Presentation Visual Aids
People have various ways and styles in learning. There are good listeners those who do well in retaining information and comprehending ideas based on what they heard. Others prefer to have a visual learning approach meaning they need to picture out or envision what they hear so they can easily comprehend.
12. Effective Presentation GUIDE
Many of us dread public speaking or giving a presentation because the mere thought of speaking before a group of people is enough to bring about nervousness. However this kind of experience is one good way of building confidence.
13. Handling Question and Answer Sessions
The Question and Answer session is part of many presentations. Both the questions and responses are generated by you as the presenter and your audience about the subject given. At certain points in your presentation you ask your audience some questions to check for comprehension of the subject or to elicit ideas from them.
14. Handling Unexpected Events During Presentation
We learned that good preparation is a secret ingredient to a successful presentation. But even if you have rehearsed well enough do not expect too much. There may be unguarded moments during your presentation that will paint a flaw in the almost too perfect speech. Yet an effective presenter is ready for any circumstance and possible occurrences.
15. How to End Your Presentation Gracefully
The conclusion part is one of the significant and important aspects in a presentation other than the introduction. People remember best the last thing they hear and the last thing you say. In closing a speech or a presentation it should be more than simply closing it or telling the audience that it is over.
Importance of Presentation Skills
Working professionals are required to come up with a presentation during a company or department meeting. If you are a working individual who may be just starting out in your career or who is already at the height of your profession, you need to learn the basics of presentation skills and understand its importance. Regardless of your position or designation in your office, you should be ready in anything that may be required of you to do such as making a presentation.
Conducting a Presentation
A presentation is like a department or general company meeting. The difference is that in a meeting, someone is designated to preside and every participant gets to brainstorm and discuss on the given agenda while in a presentation, usually only one person facilitates the entire gathering while the rest become mere audience.
Though, in most cases, the listeners are free to ask questions about the purpose of the presentation or the ideas presented. In a meeting, the objective is to agree upon a deliberated resolution and action plans from among all members. Also, if a question or comment is raised, everyone is free to voice out their opinions and answers to it.
On the other hand, the aim in a presentation is to convince and persuade the audience on a certain proposal or work depending on the purpose of the presentation. So, if questions are raised from the listeners regarding what is being presented, only the facilitator takes efforts in answering them.
During a presentation, the speaker may utilize various materials in presenting the outline. These materials may be in the form of visual aids, a PowerPoint presentation, audio and visual recordings, illustrations, graphs, and other available resources that would help in carrying out the goal of the presentation.
Purpose of a Presentation
In a corporate setting, there are various reasons for doing a presentation. The most common is when your boss assigns you a certain project or task which you need to demonstrate to the department or even the entire organization. Sometimes, a company requires its members to present a monthly, quarterly, or annual business review.
Usually in a sales or marketing company, this kind of presentation discusses a summary report of the total sales of the employees for the given period. Also, some employees who have a certain proposal to the management need to call a gathering or meeting to present the plans.
Even in a hiring process, some organizations require a demo for the qualifying applicants of a specific position. This is an example of a simple presentation. Members of the training department of a company also do a lot of presentation since facilitating training is already a presentation in itself.
From the given reasons and examples, the very purpose of a presentation is to talk the audience into agreeing with its objectives from your very own efforts and skills in conducting it.
What is the Essence of Good Presentation Skills?
Why do professionals need to know the importance of making a good presentation? Basically, it defines your character as a mature professional. Anyone who understands the basics of presentation skills and knows how to put it into proper application is a good indication of a potential company asset. It is not easy to be speaking before a group of professionals. This also explains why presentation skill is important.
A good level of confidence is boosted on the person. Once you acquire even the basics of it, you start to feel more confident and positive. In the long run, you will realize that your work personality will also improve. Moreover, your work colleagues will look up to you as a model. You will not just create an impression in the company; you will also gain the trust of the organization as a whole.
Always remember that conducting a presentation in your organization is not merely an obligation; it is a talent and a skill. You should not just perceive a presentation to be a typical company practice because this characterizes you as a true professional. You carry the skill with you in whatever career path you take and it is one of the skills that will take you one step up the ladder of success in the aspect of your career.
Ten Uses of PowerPoint Presentaions
1. Classroom Teaching: Power Point presentations help in improving the quality and impact of classroom teaching. The presentations can be made interesting and exhaustive, with supporting information to be accessed only if required.
2. Subject Tutorials: It is good for online and offline tutorials on wide range of subjects, user age groups and types.
3. Seminars: It is handy for students to make their presentations on assignments.
4. Meetings and Consultations: Decision makers can use Power Point for meetings and discussions to keep the focus on core issues.
5. Conferences: This is a popular use. Usually academicians use power point as it easy to present as well as print and distribute handouts or publish online, as per requirement.
Professionals & Business
6. Sales & Marketing: Power Point presentations are quick to prepare and can be structured for use such that the same presentation can be used for a specific target audience by selecting specific slides.
7. Events and Trade Shows: It is good to use in trade shows and events as it can be run by first timers or not so computer savvy exhibition support teams.
8. Corporate meetings: Ideal for the busy corporate for focused presentations with statistical information presented using graphics to facilitate easy comprehension and avoid monotony of too many numbers.
9. Corporate training and conferences: Widely used by trainers as well as corporate for conferences, workshops and training sessions.
10. Information Kiosks*: Power point is a good tool for presenting layout and other information at public places like museums, exhibitions, libraries, transit terminals etc. It can be made interactive for the public to view, learn and proceed.
*kiosk: a small building where things such as sweets, drinks or newspapers are sold through an open window:
a station kiosk
Gerunds (-ing) from
When a verb ends in -ing, it may be a gerund or a present participle. It is important to understand that they are not the same.
When we use a verb in -ing form more like a noun, it is usually a gerund:
Fishing is fun.
When we use a verb in -ing form more like a verb or an adjective, it is usually a present participle:
Anthony is fishing.
I have a boring teacher.
Gerunds are sometimes called "verbal nouns".
we use gerunds:
Gerunds as Subject, Object or Complement
Gerunds after Prepositions
Gerunds after Certain Verbs
Gerunds in Passive Sense
Many grammarians do not like to use the expression "gerund". That is because there is sometimes no clear difference between a gerund and a present participle.
Gerunds as Subject, Object or Complement
Try to think of gerunds as verbs in noun form.
Like nouns, gerunds can be the subject, object or complement of a sentence:
Smoking costs a lot of money.
I don't like writing.
My favourite occupation is reading.
But, like a verb, a gerund can also have an object itself. In this case, the whole expression [gerund + object] can be the subject, object or complement of the sentence.
Smoking cigarettes costs a lot of money.
I don't like writing letters.
My favourite occupation is reading detective stories.
Like nouns, we can use gerunds with adjectives (including articles and other determiners):
pointless questioning
a settling of debts
the making of Titanic
his drinking of alcohol
But when we use a gerund with an article, it does not usually take a direct object:
a settling of debts (not a settling debts)
Making "Titanic" was expensive.
The making of "Titanic" was expensive.
Do you see the difference in these two sentences? In one, "reading" is a gerund (noun). In the other "reading" is a present participle (verb).
My favourite occupation is reading.
My favourite niece is reading.
Gerunds after Prepositions
This is a good rule. It has no exceptions!
If we want to use a verb after a preposition, it must be a gerund. It is impossible to use an infinitive after a preposition. So for example, we say:
I will call you after arriving at the office.
Please have a drink before leaving.
I am looking forward to meeting you.
Do you object to working late?
Tara always dreams about going on holiday.
Notice that you could replace all the above gerunds with "real" nouns:
I will call you after my arrival at the office.
Please have a drink before your departure.
I am looking forward to our lunch.
Do you object to this job?
Tara always dreams about holidays.
The above rule has no exceptions!
So why is "to" followed by "driving" in 1 and by "drive" in 2?
I am used to driving on the left.
I used to drive on the left.
Gerunds after Certain Verbs
We sometimes use one verb after another verb. Often the second verb is in the infinitive form, for example:
I want to eat.
But sometimes the second verb must be in gerund form, for example:
I dislike eating.
This depends on the first verb. Here is a list of verbs that are usually followed by a verb in gerund form:
admit, appreciate, avoid, carry on, consider, defer, delay, deny, detest, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, can't help, imagine, involve, leave off, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, put off, report, resent, risk, can't stand, suggest, understand
Look at these examples:
She is considering having a holiday.
Do you feel like going out?
I can't help falling in love with you.
I can't stand not seeing you.
Some verbs can be followed by the gerund form or the infinitive form without a big change in meaning: begin, continue, hate, intend, like, love, prefer, propose, start
I like to play tennis.
I like playing tennis.
It started to rain.
It started raining.
Gerunds in Passive Sense
We often use a gerund after the verbs need, require and want. In this case, the gerund has a passive sense.
I have three shirts that need washing. (need to be washed)
This letter requires signing. (needs to be signed)
The house wants repainting. (needs to be repainted)
The expression "something wants doing" is not normally used in American English
A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being. However, since a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies some positions in a sentence that a noun ordinarily would, for example: subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition.
Gerund as subject:
Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences. (Traveling is the gerund.)
The study abroad program might satisfy your desire for new experiences. (The gerund has been removed.)
Gerund as direct object:
They do not appreciate my singing. (The gerund is singing.)
They do not appreciate my assistance. (The gerund has been removed)
Gerund as subject complement:
My cat's favorite activity is sleeping. (The gerund is sleeping.)
My cat's favorite food is salmon. (The gerund has been removed.)
Gerund as object of preposition:
The police arrested him for speeding. (The gerund is speeding.)
The police arrested him for criminal activity. (The gerund has been removed.)
A gerund phrase is a group of words consisting of a gerund and the modifier(s) and/or (pro)noun(s) or noun phrase(s) that function as the direct object(s), indirect object(s), or complement(s) of the action or state expressed in the gerund, such as:
The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the sentence.
Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier than what we're trying to do.
Finding (gerund)
a needle (direct object of action expressed in gerund)
in a haystack (prepositional phrase as adverb)
The gerund phrase functions as the direct object of the verb appreciate.
I hope that you appreciate my offering you this opportunity.
my (possessive pronoun adjective form, modifying the gerund)
offering (gerund)
you (indirect object of action expressed in gerund)
this opportunity (direct object of action expressed in gerund)
The gerund phrase functions as the subject complement.
Tom's favorite tactic has been jabbering away to his constituents.
jabbering away to (gerund)
his constituents (direct object of action expressed in gerund)
The gerund phrase functions as the object of the preposition for:
You might get in trouble for faking an illness to avoid work.
faking (gerund)
an illness (direct object of action expressed in gerund)
to avoid work (infinitive phrase as adverb)
The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the sentence.
Being the boss made Jeff feel uneasy.
Being (gerund)
the boss (subject complement for Jeff, via state of being expressed in gerund)
A gerund virtually never requires any punctuation with it.
Points to remember:
A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing that is used as a noun.
A gerund phrase consists of a gerund plus modifier(s), object(s), and/or complement(s).
Gerunds and gerund phrases virtually never require punctuation.
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. a. Draft an email to your friend advising her on health tips to be taken on a tour she is going on in the near future. (10 marks)
Subject: Health tips to be taken on a tour
Dear Pavan,
I am happy to know that you are going on a tour. First of all I wish you Happy and safe journey. I want you to be healthy during your tour. Here are few tips please take care to follow them carefully.
Please pack your own personal first-aid kit. Carry medicine in your carry-on bags without fail. Be sure to travel with enough medicine for the duration of your tour. Pack a basic first-aid kit that includes: bandages, antiseptic wipes, ace wraps, moleskin (to cover blisters), digital thermometer, non-aspirin pain relievers and anti-diarrhea medicine. Please practice to do regular exercise program before you go on tour.
Buy a large bottle of water before you board in case the beverage service is limited or slow. Avoid drinking soft drinks and stick to water and fruit juices. Skip the coffee and tea, too. Don’t skip breakfast at the hotels. Drink lots of bottled water. Wash your hands before eating. Carry hand sanitizer. Eat fruit whenever it is served to you. Buy fruit only if you can wash or peel it. Pack some dried fruit, especially dried plums .Get enough sleep at night. Always have some plastic bags available just in case anyone feels nauseous.
Once again I wish you happy journey. Hope you will return safe and happy if you follow these tips.
b. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions (5marks)
i Things were different -when- I was young.
ii I do it -because- I like it.
iii Let us wait here -till- the rain stops.
iv You cannot be a lawyer -unless you have a law degree.
v That was years -and- years ago.
2. a. Write a situational dialogue between a Red Cross Volunteer and an earthquake victim. 10 marks
(refer Step By Step text, page156 )
b. Fill in the blanks with appropriate quantifiers –many, more, fewest, much, most 5 marks
There are many people in Poland, more in India, but the most people live in China. The country with the fewest people per square kilometer must be Australia. Much research is conducted on this.
3. a. Due to recent floods in Nellore, some of the families became refugees and were in the care of your voluntary service organization. Write a Report on the situation and the help extended to them. (10 marks)
Report of the Voluntary Service Organization on the help extended to Flood Victims
This is a report on the help extended to the Flood victims recently in Nellore by the Voluntary Services Organization.
Several areas in and around Nellore were affected by floods. Mypadu was severely affected due to the flood. The people in the affected area became homeless and some of the people lost their lives. Many of them were affected with water born diseases. Many people were starving for basic requirements like food, clothes and shelter. Media covered this entire scene and telecasted on the televisions. As a result many government organizations and Red Cross organizations came forward and extended a helping hand.
Thousands of local palm thatch homes were swept away by the storm and infrastructure was damaged to a great extent. Power lines were down, roads flooded and communication links were severed in many areas. Many people in the near by areas were evacuated and were provided shelter in safer places. The cyclone shelters built by the Red Cross Organization in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa rescued these people. This saved many lives by preventing people from epidemic diseases.
The Voluntary Service Organization Operations unit started to help the victims of the recent floods. Priorities were given to people with injuries and food water and shelter were provided to the thousands of people who were homeless. It was run by Students Volunteer Organization who tried to help as many victims as possible. They all joined their hands with government officials in helping the victims by shifting those victims to the safer places first. As many people as possible were helped get insurance for their houses and reconstruction of their houses at the earliest.
b. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. (5 marks)
i He left __x___ home without informing anyone.
ii There is -a- box of sweets on -the- table
iii Do you need -a- degree in Economics or -the- degree in finance to be a better manager?
iv When we arrived, she went straight to -the kitchen- and started to prepare x meal for us.
v He has a cut on his leg and a bruise on the chin.
4. a. Write an essay in about 400- 500 words on “Advantages and disadvantages of Vegetarian and non-vegetarian food” (10M)
Food has a major role to play in our fitness. Researchers have repeatedly proved that healthy food is the main key to good health. By healthy food, it means the food that is nutritious and full of essential vitamins and minerals. Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits are the best reserves of vital nutrients that safeguard our body against many diseases. Most importantly, water is the most essential requirement of our body. Be sure to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water daily to make our self plump and soft.
Before moving further, let us get started with some important foods that will not only make us healthy, but will also make one look young and radiant. Beans, pumpkin, oranges, and yoghurt are few of the many vegetarian foods that are sure to give us an endless aura. After all, ravishing beauty is what that comes from within. One can surely enhance one’s outer looks by expensive make-ups, but what and how he/she eats reflect the real beauty.
No specific food is responsible for specific health ailments. These super foods give a wide coverage for a variety of ailments including diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. They also help us to keep a check on your weight and make one look beautiful and glowing.
Let us take a look at some other super foods. Animal food is rich in proteins and proteins all know help in the wear and tear of our body. Fish, eggs, and animal meat keep one in a great shape.
Both diets are healthy if done correctly. And the pros and cons for each are probably similar. Meat is rich in protein, iron, vitamin B1 and niacin. Non-vegetarian food is a good source of excellent protein.
One of the advantages to the vegetarian diet is that it tends to be low in fat and cholesterol. As a result, a vegetarian diet can help one avoid heart problems and even cancer. However, one may also find that he/she is missing some important vitamins and minerals on a strictly vegetarian diet.
Advantages of vegetarian foods are:
• They are easily chewable, especially for the elderly who have lost their teeth.
• Many elderly feel that vegetarian food is more easily digestible.
• Vegetarian foods are cheaper than non-vegetarian foods.
• Some vegetables can be eaten raw preventing the loss of nutrients while cooking.
• Vegetarian foods do not contain as much fat as non-vegetarian foods.
Thus, Vegetarians should take care to include soya beans, groundnuts, lentils, mushrooms and so on to get a sufficient supply of proteins.
Advantages of Non-Vegetarian foods are:
• Non-vegetarian foods are rich in protein of high biological value and in Vitamin B complex, especially B12 which is not available in plant foods.
• Fish, especially the small varieties are a rich source of calcium.
• Egg-white is good source of protein and easily digested.
The incidence of high BP, Heart disease, Obesity and high cholesterol levels is found to be greater among non-vegetarians. Elders who suffer from these problems should reduce the intake of fleshy foods in their diet. Egg-white and most varieties of fish contain less fat, but are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.
Vegetarian or non-vegetarian, the decision depends on various factors such as cultural or dietary habits of the family, personal preference, taste and avoidance of certain foods for health reasons. Whatever the case, a well-balanced diet supplying proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals should be taken.
b. Give the Synonyms of the following 5marks
Reduce, essential, conviction, summit, truce
1. Reduce: Decrease 2. Essential: Necessary 3.conviction: belief 4. Summit: peak 5. Truce: agreement
5. A. What are the factors that are helpful in preparing Power Point Presentation? Prepare a PPT in 6 slides about your favorite sports person. 10 marks
(Refer Step by Step page 235 to 238)
Slide -- 1
Slide --2
Slide --3
b. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions 5 marks
i His house looks -like- a temple
ii How many -of- the members will join the trip?
iii Don’t lean that ladder -against- the wall.
iv I don't usually feel tired -in- the morning.
v Have you heard anything -about- him yet?
6. a. Discuss in a situational dialogue with your friend the strategies that are helpful in eliminating stress. 10 marks.
Joshuva: Hi! Sagar. I hear your paper has been selected in International Seminar
for presentation. Congratulations!
Sagar: Thanks! Josh. It really is a great honour, and at the same time, a huge
challenge as well, especially with so many participants coming from all over the world. Frankly, I’m not sure I’ll be able to manage.
Joshuva: Don’t’t worry. If you prepare well you won’t feel nervous.
Sagar: Will you please help me giving some important tips to manage stress.
Joshuva: Why not, sure. First of all you jot the outline of your presentation on a
piece of paper.
Sagar: OK I will do that.
Joshuva: Don’t speak too fast or too slow. If you talk too fast, you risk the audience
not understanding what you are trying to say. If you talk too slow, your
audience might lose interest in what you are saying. Maintain a moderate
Sagar: Do you think I can manage well?
Joshuva: Be positive. Motivate yourself. Tell yourself things like- ‘I will make a
good presentation.’
Sagar: Ok dear. Thanks a lot. Is there anything else to help me manage my stress.
Joshuva: Last but not the least gather yourself together before presentation. Take a deep breath, and try to be relaxed and calm.
Sagar: Thanks a lot. I hope with these strategies I will definitely manage to do well without any stress.
Joshuva: All the Best. Take care. Bye.
Sagar: Thank. Bye.
b.Punctuate the given set of sentences. (5 marks)
i. Did you go to School today?
ii. What a beautiful day!
iii. I like noodles, pizza, burger, etc.
iv. This is Suresh’s pen.
v. I don’t know your name.
7 a. What is the role of team work, motivation and commitment in the life of a sportsman? What is the importance of the above in a job ambience? (10 marks)
(Refer the dictated notes)
b. Fill in the blanks with appropriate exclamations (5 marks)
1 Wow! What a great game.
2. Ah! You came just in time
3. You won the competition. What an achievement!
4. Alas! I lost your pen. Ah! is it true?
8 a. You are the Chairman of NHAI. Write a letter responding to the appeal made by the ministry of road transportation about preventing the disruption of traffic on account of damages to road and bridges during natural disasters. 10marks
(Refer page 146 in Step by Step)
b. Match the words with phrases 5 marks
i. Easily (d) a) on the middle stump
ii. Stand (a) (b) on the wicket
iii. Applied (e) (c) into my body
iv. Bowl (c) (d) off the pads
v. Depending (b) (e) them to my batting
(1- d ,2- a, 3- e, 4- c, 5- b)
Basic Skills
Basic skills are the essential abilities which we all acquire even during the early stages of our lives. But when these are honed, they become our weapons in facing any life situation. Everyone, with the inclusion of physically handicapped individuals, has the ability to speak, but not all of us can readily talk or converse. A good communicator is one who can easily express thoughts and opinions with fluency. But being able to talk and interact is not all that is needed. Since communication is a two-way process, one must also know how to be a good and active listener. Listening is a skill, particularly active listening. A person who has good listening skill does not just plainly listen, but is also able to respond appropriately.
There are people who are good at expressing their thoughts through writing. It takes skill to be an efficient writer. Just as you verbalize thoughts with sense and substance, the same goes for writing. Reading is not merely a typical human activity; it is also a skill. Uttering the words alone is not enough. One has to have the skill to comprehend what is being read. Some people do well with words and metaphors, others with numbers and figures. Mental calculation is something not everyone is capable of. You have to learn how to understand and apply number operations based from mathematical theories and formulas.
All aforementioned skills comprise the basic skills.
Thinking Skills
The second core skill is thinking skills. Intelligent individuals can easily get their way out of challenging and unique situations. People with good decision-making and problem-solving abilities make good leaders. Those with good logic and reasoning can easily win over debates, arguments, and conflicts. In the workplace, employees are encouraged to be critical thinkers especially when challenging situations arise. Furthermore, breakthroughs in technology and modern inventions are products of the creative thinking of skilled individuals.
Personal Qualities
As we mature, we should also enhance our potentials and make good use out of it. Confidence is an attribute not every person can boast of. Thus it is always necessary to take steps to build confidence in yourself. What are some personal qualities that can transform us into someone we have always hoped to become? A skilled individual is not just adept at talents and abilities but also possesses fundamental inner skills such self-esteem, integrity, responsibility, sociability, and credibility to be more effective and productive. It takes certain skills to be able to socialize and be at ease conversing with people from all walks of life, with all types of personalities. It takes skills to uphold truths and keep the value of honesty. And all the more that it takes skills to be responsible in everything you do. All these comprise the third core skill which is personal qualities, and the result of possessing such skills is personal effectiveness.
Problem solving is a natural part of life. In any business or industry, the ability of an employee to solve problems can mean the difference between success and failure. Lacking the ability to solve problems effectively can be a source of anxiety and stress for any individual. Problem solving is not an exact science, although there are guidelines that a person can follow to become a successful problem-solver.
Flexibility and open-mindedness is an essential part of being able to solve problems, whether it is in your personal life or on-the-job. Possessing advantageous problem solving skills requires a person to understand the problem, create a plan to solve the problem, seeing the plan through and reviewing the plan to ensure that the problem is solved and is not repeated. When a person has difficulty imagining a solution to a problem, it is because he is overwhelmed with the details of the problem and lacks the ability to break down the problem or see the big
Life skills are essentially those abilities that help promote mental well-being and
competence in young people as they face the realities of life. Most development
professionals agree that life skills are generally applied in the context of health and
social events. They can be utilized in many content areas: prevention of drug use,
sexual violence, teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDS prevention and suicide prevention.
The definition extends into consumer education, environmental education, peace
education or education for development, livelihood and income generation, among
others. In short, life skills empower young people to take positive action to protect
themselves and promote health and positive social relationships.
Self-awareness, self-esteem and self-confidence are essential tools for understanding
one’s strengths and weaknesses. Consequently, the individual is able to discern
available opportunities and prepare to face possible threats. This leads to the
development of a social awareness of the concerns of one’s family and society.
Subsequently, it is possible to identify problems that arise within both the family and
With life skills, one is able to explore alternatives, weigh pros and cons and make
rational decisions in solving each problem or issue as it arises. It also entails being
able to establish productive interpersonal relationships with others.
Life skills enable effective communication, for example, being able to differentiate
between hearing and listening and ensuring that messages are transmitted accurately
to avoid miscommunication and misinterpretations.
a) Critical thinking skills/Decision-making skills – include decisionmaking/problem solving skills and information gathering skills. The individual
must also be skilled at evaluating the future consequences of their present actions
and the actions of others. They need to be able to determine alternative solutions and
to analyze the influence of their own values and the values of those around them.
b) Interpersonal/Communication skills – include verbal and non-verbal
communication, active listening, and the ability to express feelings and give feed
back. Also in this category, are negotiation/refusal skills and assertiveness skills that
directly affect ones’ ability to manage conflict. Empathy, which is the ability to listen
and understand others’ needs, is also a key interpersonal skill. Teamwork and the
ability to cooperate include expressing respect for those around us. Development of
this skill set enables the adolescent to be accepted in society. These skills result in the
acceptance of social norms that provide the foundation for adult social behaviour.
c) Coping and self-management skills refers to skills to increase the internal locus of
control, so that the individual believes that they can make a difference in the world
and affect change. Self esteem, self-awareness, self-evaluation skills and the ability to
set goals are also part of the more general category of self-management skills. Anger,
grief and anxiety must all be dealt with, and the individual learns to cope loss or
trauma. Stress and time management are key, as are positive thinking and relaxation
Criteria for using Life Skills
It should not only address knowledge and attitude change, but, more
importantly, behaviour change.
# Traditional "information-based" approaches are generally not sufficient to
yield changes in attitudes and behaviours. For example, a lecture on “safe
behaviour” will not necessarily lead to the practice of safe behaviour.
Therefore, the lecture should be substantiated with exercises and situations
where participants can practice safe behaviour and experience its effects. The
adult learning theory emphasizes that adults learn best that which they can
associate with their experience and practice.
# It will work best when augmented or reinforced. If a message is given once,
the brain remembers only 10 percent of it one day later, and when the same
message is given six times a day, the brain remembers 90 percent of it. Hence
the need to repeat, recap, reinforce and review.
# It will work best if combined with policy development, access to appropriate
health services, community development and media.
According to WHO, life skills may be defined as “abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour, that
enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life” (World Health
Organization, 1997a, p. 1). “Every school should enable children and adolescents at all levels to learn
critical health and life skills…. Such education includes….comprehensive, integrated life-skills education
that can enable young people to make healthy choices and adopt healthy behaviour throughout their lives”
Core skills that are developed include
Decision-making: evaluating information and advice to make informed decisions; assessing the
advantages and disadvantages of different options; changing decisions to adapt to new situations;
setting goals; planning for the future.
• Problem solving.
• Creative thinking.
• Critical thinking: analyzing social and cultural influences on attitudes, values, and behavior;
questioning inequality, injustice, prejudice, and stigma; exploring and evaluating social roles,
rights, and responsibilities; evaluating risks.
• Effective communication.
• Interpersonal relationship skills.
• Self-awareness: identifying personal strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities; clarifying
personal values and beliefs; recognizing personal worth and personal happiness.
• Empathy.
• Coping with emotions.
• Coping with stress.
The additional areas in which a culturally sensitive approach is needed include:
• Goal setting.
• Assertiveness.
• Negotiation skills.
Unit: 4
1. Admirable:
Syn: appreciate, approve, praise, respect, venerate
Ant: hateful, dislike, detest, sentence: an officer of very high rank in the navy
Sentence: I really admire people who can work in such difficult conditions.
2. Extensive:
Syn: broad, expanded, sweeping, vast, wide
Ant: confined, narrow, restricted
Sentence: a school with extensive grounds
3. Marine:
Syn: acquatic, hydrographic, maritime, naval, ocean, natatorial, pelagic, seagoing
Ant: terrestrial, goedetic, earthly, ashore, alluvial
sentence: The oil slick seriously threatens marine life around the islands. 4. Priority:
Syn: main-concern, right of way
Sentence: My first/top priority is to find somewhere to live.
5. Stockpile:
Syn: supply, store, hoard
Sentence: They have a stockpile of weapons and ammunition that will last several months.
6. Disruption:
Syn: trouble, interruption, disturbance
Sentence: The accident on the main road through town is causing widespread disruption for motorists.
7. Flee:
Syn: escape, fly
Ant: stand your ground
Sentence: In order to escape capture, he fled to the mountains.
8. Measure:
Sentence: This machine measures your heart rate.
9. Refuge:
Syn: fortress, hideway, protection, sanctuary, shelter, retreat, haven
Ant: danger, hazard, risk, jeopardy, exposure, pitfall
Sentence: The climbers slept in a mountain refuge.
10. Superintend:
Syn: manage, control
Sentence: Her job is to superintend the production process.
11. Emphasing:
Syn: stress
Sentence: I think we should put as much emphasis on preventing disease as we do on curing it.
12. Froth:
Syn: head, foam, bubble
Sentence: Shake the drink before serving it to froth it up.
13. Monitoring:
Syn: guidance
Sentence: The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.
14. Resource:
Syn: supply, store
Sentence: The country's greatest resource is the dedication of its workers.
15. Supervisory:
Syn: managerial, administrate
Sentence: We need to employ more supervisory staff.
16. Endemic:
Syn: wide spread, common, rife
Sentence: Malaria is endemic in many of the hotter regions of the world.
17. Hysterical:
Syn: out of control, frantic
Ant: composed
Sentence: Calm down, you're getting hysterical.
18. Operation:
Ant: cessation, Inaction, inactivity
Sentence: There are several reactors of the type in operation at the moment.
19. Sever:
Syn: cut, separate, split, undo
Ant: attach, join
20. Essential:
Syn: important, key point, fundamental
Ant: unnecessary
Sentence: planning is essential for achieving goal
21. Infrastructure:
Syn: communication, fundamental facilities
Sentence: my college’s infrastructure is very nice
22. Evacuate:
Syn: to clear, remove from, vacate
Ant: join, together
Sentence: to victims of tsunami are evacuated
23. Vulnerable:
Syn: danger, at risk, helpless
Ant: safe, self-reliant
Sentence: I felt very vulnerable, standing there without any clothes on.
24. Inspection:
Syn: examination, check, scrutiny, assessment
Ant: uncheck, lenient
Sentences: Her passport seemed legitimate, but on closer inspection, it was found to have been altered.
25. Preventive:
Syn: stop, defensive, precautionary
Ant: start, aggressive
Sentence: In the past 10 years, preventive measures have radically reduced levels of tooth decay in children.
Unit: 5
1. Altruistic:
Syn: unselfish, self less
Ant: selfish
Sentence: I doubt whether her motives for donating the money are altruistic - she's probably looking for publicity.
2. Amenable:
Syn: better, change
Ant: spoil, blemish
Sentence: Do you think the new manager will prove more amenable to our proposals?
. Biomarker:
Syn: biomarker, or biological marker, is in general a substance used as an indicator of a biological state. It is a characteristic that is objectively measured.
4. Cardiovascular:
Syn: relating to both the heart and the blood vessels
Sentence: she is suffering from cardiovascular disease
5. Carrier:
Syn: transporter, shipper, mover
Sentence: There are an estimated 1.5 million HIV carriers in the country.
6. Chronic:
Syn: confirmed, constant
Ant: occasional, temporary
Sentence: There is a chronic shortage of teachers.
7. Correlate:
syn: correspondence, likeness, compare
Ant: difference, disparagement
Sentence: Stress levels and heart disease are strongly correlated
8. Demonastrate:
Syn: certainly, conclusion
Ant: confusion, concealment
Sentence: These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic planning.
9. Desirable:
Syn: acceptable, advisable
Ant: detrimental, baneful
Sentence: It’s regarded as a highly desirable job.
10. Elevated:
Syn: advance, exact
Ant: abase, condemn
Sentence: The doctor said I was to keep my leg elevated.
11. Elimination:
Syn: abolish, banish
Ant: accept, admit
Sentence: We eventually found the answer by a process of elimination.
12. Endemic:
Syn: widespread, common, ripe
Sentence: The disease is endemic among British sheep/to many British flocks.
13. Eradication:
syn: abolish, destroy
Ant: exact, confirm
Sentence: The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption.
14. Epidemiology:
Syn; the scientific and medical study of the causes and transmission of disease within a population
Sentence: Poverty in this country has reached epidemic proportions
15. Err:
Syn: blunder, wrong
Sentence: He erred in agreeing to her appointment
16. Fetish:
Syn: obsession, thing
Sentence: He has a fetish about/for high-heels.
17. Initiate:
Syn: arise, begin, open, start
Ant: close, complete
Sentence: Each culture had a special ritual to initiate boys into manhood.
18. Intensification:
Syn: rise, strength, growth
Ant: reduction, weakness
Sentence: Fighting around the capital has intensified in the last few hours.
19. Lentil:
Syn: an edible seed that is lens-shaped, brown, gray, green, or black on the outside and yellow or orange inside, and rich in protein
Sentence: I like lentil soup
20. Metabolic:
Syn: relating to or typical of metabolism
Sentence: The athletes had taken pills to stimulate their metabolic rate
21. Monopoly:
syn: absorb, control, domination
Ant: exude
Sentence: The government is determined to protect its tobacco monopoly.
22. Morsel:
Syn: scrap, piece, bit, fragment
Ant: chunk
Sentence: The prisoners ate every last morsel.
23. Palate:
Syn: taste, liking
Ant: dislike
Sentence: palate is the top part of mouth
24. Premature:
Syn: early, green
Ant: matured, overdue
Sentence: Their criticisms seem premature considering that the results aren't yet known.
25. Recommend:
Syn: imply,
Ant: demand, dictate
Sentence: She is a highly recommended architect.
26. Reservoir:
Syn: tank, pool, basin
Sentence: The universities constitute a reservoir of expert knowledge.
27. Responsive:
Syn: alert, open, approachable
Ant: stop doing
Sentence: She wasn't responsive to questioning.
28. Sparingly:
Syn: carefully, thinly
Ant: liberally
Sentence: There wasn't enough coal during the war, so we had to use it sparingly.
29. Staunch:
Syn: reliable, trusty, stop
Ant: undependable
Sentence: He gained a reputation as being a staunch defender/supporter of civil rights.
30. Stratergy:
Sentence: The president held an emergency meeting to discuss military strategy with his defence commanders yesterday.
1. Temptation:
Syn: bait, charm
Ant: discourage, nauseate
Sentence: As a young actress, she managed to resist the temptation to move to Hollywood.
32. Transmission:
syn: communicate, broadcast
Ant: hide, conceal
Sentence: We apologize for the interruption to our transmissions this afternoon.
Unit 6
1. Applied:
Syn: functional, useful, practical
Ant: theoretical
Sentence: in these days applied mathematics play an important role
2. Chivalry:
Syn: brave, courage, courteous, gallant, generous, heroic, knightly
Ant: cowardly, rude, timorous, and unmannerly
Sentence: "After you,” he said chivalrously, holding open the door.
3. Conviction:
Syn: criminal, culprit, felon, malefactor
Ant: absolve, acquit, exonerate, pardon
Sentence: The conviction of the three demonstrators has caused public outrage locally.
4. Egalitarian:
Syn: democratic, open, free
Ant: repressive
Sentence: The party's principles are basically egalitarian.
5. Factor:
Syn: actor, agent, attorney, delegate, manager, deputy
Ant: retain
Sentence: People's voting habits are influenced by political, social and economic factors
6. Intellectual:
Syn: thinker, academic, brain
Sentence: I like detective stories and romances - nothing too intellectual.
7. Loops:
Syn: curve, bend, arc, twist
Sentence: Turn left where the road loops (= curves) round the farm buildings.
8. Negate:
Syn: cancel out, reverse, wipe out
Sentence: The increase in our profits has been negated by the rising costs of running the business.
9. Nicking:
Syn: cut, a small V-shaped cut or indentation in an edge or surface
Sentence: there is a deep nicking on the seashore during Tsunami
10. Noble:
Syn: aristocratic, august, dignified, elevated, grand
Ant: object, base, ignoble, low, servile
Sentence: His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.
11. Pedagogue:
Sentence: The minister's reforms are pedagogically questionable (= not based on good teaching theory).
12. Pitch:
Syn: cast, chuck, fling, heave, hurl, launch, propel, sling, throw, toss
Ant: catch, grab, and receive
Sentence: She pitched the stone into the river.
13. Promising:
Syn: affirmation, agreement, assurance, contract, oath, pledge, undertaking, fulfillment
Sentence: They won the award for the most promising new band of the year.
14. Reform:
Syn: amend, better, correct, freshen, improve, minder repair, restore
Ant: aggravate, corrupt, damage, impair, rein
Sentence: The education system in Britain was crying out for reform.
15. Renounce:
Syn: abandon, abdicate, desert, drop, sacrifice
Ant: maintain, preserve, persist, and remain
Sentence: Gandhi renounced the use of violence.
16. Spreading:
Syn: circulate, diffuse, dispense, open, extend
Ant: collect, conceal, condense, suppress
Sentence: The fire spread very rapidly because of the strong wind.
17. Springboard:
Syn: launch pad, catalyst
Sentence: The firm's director is confident that the new project will act as a springboard for/to further contracts.
18. Stele:
Syn: epitaph, an inscription on a tombstone or monument commemorating the person buried there
Sentence: Buddhist steles are found throughout India
19. Summit:
Syn: height, top, peak, zenith
Ant: nadir, depth
Sentence: I certainly haven't reached the summit of my career
In English, a regular verb (EG: talk) has only two forms in the present tense; talk and talks
Singular Plural
1st person I talk we / you and I talk
2nd person you (singular) talk you (plural) talk
3rd person he, she, John, Lisa, the boy talks they / John and Mary / the girls talk
Only the verb to be has more than two forms in the present tense (am, is, are).
In the past tense, it is the only verb with more than one form (was, were). All other English verbs, regular and irregular, use just one form (talked, read, saw, etc.) for all persons.
In the future tense, English verbs show no subject-verb agreement whatsoever: I, you, he, we, they will do, speak, go, etc.
Auxiliary verbs
Auxiliary verbs are small verbs used to build verb chains.
Kate is speaking.
We had been asking.
She did like him once.
The auxiliary verbs are:
have when followed by a past participle:
e.g. have seen
be when followed by a present participle or by a past participle:
are working
are admired
do when followed by an infinitive:
do you think, do not think.
the modal verbs, which are generally followed by an infinitive:
will think, must be
Modal verbs
Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that come in front of an infinitive (usually without to). They express such ideas as possibility, willingness, prediction, speculation, deduction, necessity and habit.
He must be angry
I can’t understand.
You ought to tell us.
Here are the main modal verbs:
used to
Why be is always an auxiliary verb and possessive have sometimes is.
One of the main differences between auxiliary and main verbs is that auxiliaries are used in questions like Are you listening? and in negative sentences like You aren't listening. If we apply this as a test for auxiliary verbs, then other uses of be should also count as auxiliaries:
They are happy. Are they happy? They aren't happy.
He is your friend. Is he your friend? He isn't your friend.
It was here. Was it here? It wasn't here.
The same applies, for some people, to the verb have which means 'possess':
She has enough money. Has she enough money? She hasn't enough money.
Verb forms
The main verb forms (with examples from a regular verb) are these:
present tense
we walk
she walks
past tense
I walked
Walk this way
present participle
I was walking
past participle
they have walked
they can walk
they like to walk
Sometimes the word itself is the same – for example, walk can be present, infinive or imperative. But it’s important to be able to identify the different forms in use.
These six forms belong to two major groups, which play an important part in English grammar:
The present, past and imperative forms are finite.
The participles and the infinitive are non-finite.
Finite and non-finite verbs
If an ordinary sentence contains just one verb, this verb will be finite. (Why 'finite'?)
This is [finite] a finite verb.
In a verb chain, the first verb in the chain is almost always finite, and the other verbs are always non-finite.
They have [finite] looked [non-finite] at it
The finite verb in a clause defines the way the clause works. It gives key information about:
who is doing the thing - i.e. the subject:
e.g. They have ... but: She has ...
and when it is being done - i.e. the tense:
e.g. They have ... but: They had ...
Non-finite verbs are not restricted in these ways, though they are restricted in other ways. For example, the infinitive have can be used for any time and any subject:
He seems to have a cold. (present time, singular subject)
They seemed to have colds. (past time, plural subject)
Cases where Prepositions are omitted
We do not normally use prepositions of time (on, in, at etc) before words like last, next or this.
I met him last Sunday. (NOT I met him on last Sunday.)
I met him on Sunday.
We may discuss it next time. (NOT We may discuss it at next time.)
The use of preposition is optional in the following sentences.
I was here (in) the December before last.
The visited us (on) the day before yesterday.
She came here (in) the previous summer.
We waited there (for) two hours.
Different prepositions
Some words which have slightly different form and meaning take different prepositions after them.
Examples are: desire for but desirous of; confidence in but confident of
I have no desire for name or fame.
She is desirous of finding a job.
I have no confidence in his ability to perform the task.
I am confident of success in the examination.
More examples are given below:
According to but in accordance with;
Sensible of but insensible to;
Affection for but affectionate to;
Ambition for but ambitious of;
Fond of but fondness for;
Neglectful of; not negligent in;
Dislike to not liking for;
The prepositions at / on / in are not normally used in expressions of time beginning with next, last, this, that, one, any, each, every, some and all.
See you next week. (NOT See you in the next week.)
I am free this evening. (NOT I am free in this evening.)
You can come any time. (NOT You can come at any time.)
I worked all day. (NOT I worked on all day.)
Let’s meet one day. (NOT Let’s meet on one day.)
These prepositions are not used before yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
She is coming tomorrow. (NOT She is coming on tomorrow.)
I met him yesterday. (NOT I met him on yesterday.)
Also note that prepositions are dropped in questions beginning with what / which + expression of time.
What time is she arriving? (NOT At what time is she arriving?)
What day is the conference? (NOT On what day is the conference?)
She grew up —————– Canada. (in/on)
2. It is very hot ——————- the center of the earth. (in/at)
3. Turn right ——————– the next corner. (in/at)
4. Let’s meet ——————— the club. (at/on)
5. She works —————– Life Insurance Corporation of India. (in/at)
6. He is a student —————— Oxford. (in/at)
7. London is ———————- the river Thames. (in/on)
8. There is a misprint ——————– line 9 on page 36. (on/in)
9. There is a big spider ———————– the ceiling. (in/on)
10. She is arriving —————— the 4.15th train. (in/on)
11. Are you still ——————– the same address? (at/on)
12. They live in a flat ——————– the fifth floor. (in/on)
1. In, 2. At, 3. At, 4. At, 5. At, 6. At, 7. On, 8. In, 9. On, 10. On, 11. At, 12. On
Prepositions – Time
English Usage Example
on ------------days of the week ex.on Monday
in ----------- months / seasons time of day year after a certain period of time (when?) in August / in winter
in the morning
in 2006
in an hour
at----------- for night, for weekend a certain point of time (when?) at night
at the weekend at half past nine
since ----------- from a certain point of time (past till now)
since 1980
for ----------- over a certain period of time (past till now)
for 2 years
ago----------- a certain time in the past
2 years ago
before----------- earlier than a certain point of time
before 2004
to ----------- telling the time
ten to six (5:50)
past----------- telling the time
ten past six (6:10)
to / till / until ----------- marking the beginning and end of a period of time
from Monday to/till Friday
till / until
in the sense of how long something is going to last
He is on holiday until Friday.
by----------- in the sense of at the latest , up to a certain time
I will be back by 6 o’clock.
By 11 o'clock, I had read five pages.
Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction)
English Usage Example
in ----------- room, building, street, town, country,book, paper etc. car, taxi
picture, world
in the kitchen, in London
in the book
in the car, in a taxi
in the picture, in the world
at----------- meaning next to, by an object, for table,for events, place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work)
at the door, at the station
at the table
at a concert, at the party
at the cinema, at school, at work
on----------- attached for a place with a river being on a surface, for a certain side (left, right), for a floor in a house,for public transport,for television, radio,the picture on the wall,London lies on the Thames.
on the table
on the left
on the first floor
on the bus, on a plane
on TV, on the radio
by, next to, beside----------- left or right of somebody or something
Jane is standing by / next to / beside the car.
under----------- on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else
the bag is under the table
below----------- lower than something else but above ground
the fish are below the surface
over-----------covered by something else, meaning more than,getting to the other side (also across)overcoming an obstacle
put a jacket over your shirt
over 16 years of age
walk over the bridge
climb over the wall
above-----------higher than something else, but not directly over it
a path above the lake
across-----------getting to the other side (also over) getting to the other side
walk across the bridge
swim across the lake
through----------- something with limits on top, bottom and the sides
drive through the tunnel
to-----------movement to person or building,movement to a place or country,for bed
go to the cinema
go to London / Ireland
go to bed
into-----------enter a room / a building
go into the kitchen / the house
towards-----------movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it)
go 5 steps towards the house
onto-----------movement to the top of something
jump onto the table
from-----------in the sense of where from
a flower from the garden
Other important Prepositions
English Usage Example
from-----------who gave it
a present from Jane
of-----------who/what does it belong to, what does it show
a page of the book
the picture of a palace
by-----------who made it
a book by Mark Twain
on-----------walking or riding on horseback,entering a public transport vehicle
on foot, on horseback
get on the bus
in-----------entering a car / Taxi
get in the car
off-----------leaving a public transport vehicle
get off the train
out of-----------leaving a car / Taxi
get out of the taxi
by-----------rise or fall of something,travelling (other than walking or horseriding)
prices have risen by 10 percent
by car, by bus
at-----------for age
she learned Russian at 45
about-----------for topics, meaning what about
we were talking about you
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