Academic: relating to learning
Bioreserve: an area preserving wildlife
Competence: possession of required skill
Cheerful: in good spirits
Dedication: commitment
Destiny: fate
Epic: a long narrative poem
Heritage: inheritance
Manufactured: produced
Melancholy: expressing sadness
Metropolis: Chief City
Misery: a feeling of intense unhappiness
Miserable: very unhappy
Mournful: filled with sadness
Notion: an odd or fanciful idea
Pledge: a binding commitment
Redeem: fulfill
Rivals: competitors
Ruinous: cause destruction
Seminar: meeting for an exchange of ideas
Solemn: serious
Substantially: to a great extent
Suppressed: to put down by force
Tryst: meeting
Utterance: manner of speech
Unique: the single of its kind
Unorthodox: independent in thought
Zone: region
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